Business Transformation Forum

The Business Transformation Forum is ESCP Berlin's platform for exchange on current business trends.

Our mission is to foster a diverse and entrepreneurial corporate culture in order to accelerate business transformation and organisational development.

This is a fantastic chance to get new impulses for your career, connect with like-minded and learn to think out of the box.

Participants are typically managers, business owners and startup founders as well as ESCP Faculty & staff.

2019 Edition: Future Skills

2020 Edition: coming soon


ESCP Berlin


Fall 2020 - final date to be announced soon

Start time: tba

# Your Contact

Laurence Schwer

Head of Company Relations &
Community Building
+49 30 32007-214

LGBT+ Leaders Community Event

Inspiring LGBT+ leaders share their experiences, insights and personal leadership stories with you.

You are part of the LGBT+ Community, a straight ally or fostering diversity & inclusion in your organisation?

Then this is THE event you should join to network and exchange.

Our interactive format offers the opportunity to network and exchange among others with the participants of this year's LGBT+ Ledership Programme.


ESCP Berlin



Start time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm Berlin time


This time we want to focus on the effects of today's changes on Diversity and especially LGBT+ Diversity in the workplace. How does the pandemic, new work and the digitalisation influence diversity? Is it a danger or chance, do new technology as AI help or hinder and what do global movements like Black Lives Matter or Sustainability mean in this context?

To open the discussion and a lively exchange with you, we'll have three key notes from the perspective of a Global Consultancy, an NGO and a D&I Corporate:


Barbara Thiel

Head of Diversity & Inclusiveness @ thyssenkrupp AG

Manuel Wachter

Founder & CEO @ EqualPlus


Alber Kehrer

Change & Divresity Expert, Co-Founder & Director @ Prout At Work Foundation

# Your Contact

Laurence Schwer

Head of Company Relations &
Community Building
+49 30 32007-214